
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Procedural Writing-How to make a boat

Purpose:-  How to make a boat with recycled materials.


  • Bottles 5
  • Sellotape
  • Scissors
  • Washing powder scoops 3
  • Bottle caps 6
  • Drinking caps 2
  • Ruler
  • Popsicle stick


  1. First you carefully cut a hole in three bottles (2 large and 1 medium).
  2. Second you sellotape the ruler to the bottom of the three bottles so that they stay in place.
  3. Third you sellotape the washing powder scoops inside the three bottles for the seats.
  4. Fourth you sellotape the last two bottles on the the side.
  5. Fifth you cut a rectangular hole on the two large bottles then you tape drinking caps on for the guns.
  6. Sixth you sellotape the six bottle caps underneath the bottle so it would lie straight.
  7. Seventh you brake two sides of the Popsicle stick and sellotape it in the medium bottle for the lever.
  8. Lastly you paint the top of the bottles ( don’t pant the bottom or else it will wash off in the water).



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