
Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Sir Joseph H**ker's sea lion

Today I've been studying about the H**ker's Sea Lion. The H**ker's Sea Lion's is named after Sir Joseph H**ker. He was a British scientist who went to Antarctica and the southern New Zealand islands to study Botany over 100 years ago. The H**ker's Sea lion only lives in New Zealand waters, is one of the most endangered. They are called sea lions because of the thick mane around the neck of the male. They are marine mammals and belong to a group of seals called 'eared seals' because they have small ear lobes. The bull is much heavier than the cow. He can grow to a length of 3.25 meters and weigh over 4oo kg. The adult cow is about 2 meters in length and weighs up to 160 kg. The cow gives birth to its pup in a 'nursery area' with other females. At birth the male pup is much heavier than the female pup. The male pup has a dark coat and the female's coat is fair. There are only five species of sea lion in the world.


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