
Tuesday, 21 October 2014

High jump practise

Today Room 10 walked up to the field and practised high jump for athletics. Before we started Mrs Parker showed us a few techniques. Mrs Parker told us to do the scissor jump so that we can jump higher, jump closer to the mat so that we jump over the rope and stay on the mat, try not to freeze or you’ll lose your momentum and to believe in yourself.

The girls didn't want to do it, so we went for a run. Once we got back the boys had already finished. None of us were up to doing it, so Erina ran first then Nikita and then (unfortunately) me. I wasn't confident and I thought that I would fail but I made it over the rope (bar), and I fell off the mat. Mrs Parker gave me advice on how to jump over the rope and land on the mat. A lot of us improved but some of us chickened out.

There were a bunch of us that nailed it because we had good technique, we were confident and we didn't doubt ourselves. Moli made the highest jump which was 1.35 metres. I really enjoyed it today because no matter what we were cheering each other on.


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